My path, my journey.

In my never ending search for my truth, I've learned a few facts about myself...

1. I love to create.

2. I love to help others heal and grow.

3. In art and creativity, I have been healing and growing.

4. Creativity is a HUGE part of my spirituality, it helps me get to the root of me.

5. Art and Creation are my true medicine.

That being said (listed), I've decided to take a leap of faith and trust completely in myself and the Universe. I'm opening a Creative and Healing Arts studio, combining my love of all things creative, and all things natural and healing. 


So heres the plan:

In the studio, I will offer weekly wine and paint parties, as well as sip and paint for children. In addition to those classes I will be offering- open studio time, craft lesson (such as knitting, crochet, sewing, spinning, weaving, papermaking etc.) Art Parties(great for birthdays, showers, reunions, office gatherings), private lessons and YOGA! The main area of the studio is workshopping, however, there will be room for Gallery Space and some artistic retail. It's VERY exciting, but also super scary! I found the perfect place in the perfect price range and it all so PERFECT. The Universe is a magical place and once you set your sights and focus on what you REALLY WANT in life, it delivers! I have another website called Madhatter Paint Parties that I'm going to attempt to merge with this one...eventually. But until then be sure to check back often for progress reports and updates on construction and decorating. I'll still be teaching my current classes at the Hive in Gastonia and  On Track Yoga until my doors open, but after that who knows what the Universe has in store for me!