Making Elderberry Syrup
Elderberries are all the buzz right now. Native Americans used the flowers, berries, and bark of the elderberry trees to treat fevers and joint pain (it's a great anti-inflammatory)for hundreds of years. Pages upon pages have been written about elderberry and their success at shortening the length and severity of colds and flu.Today, elderberry is now best known as an aid in fighting the flu. I make and take plenty of Elderberry Syrup at home. I also put elderberries in my smoothies, salads, yogurt, and we've even made a BBQ sauce with it (it was crazy yum!). They're easy to use and generally easy to grow or buy (unless you're in the height of flu season) so I thought I'd offer my version of Elderberry Syrup that you can make for yourself at home!
*1 Cup Dried Elderberries
*3 Cups Distilled Water
*1 tbs Whole Cloves
*4 Sticks of Cinnamon
*2/3 Cups Raw Honey (Local is best!)
To Make:
Put all of your ingredients except for the honey into a stock pot and bring to a boil. Then, simmer on med-hi until the syrup is reduced to one half. Let it sit covered for an hour and then remove the lid and mash the berries to further release the juice. I use a wooden spoon and smoosh all the berries on the bottom of the pot. Strain the juice into another pot with cheesecloth, squeezing the excess juice into the container as well. Add the honey, stirring over low heat until you get it blended (I don't add much heat, you want to maintain the integrity of the honey) and then let it cool before you bottle it up and place it in the fridge. It lasts up to 4 months in the refrigerator. If it's too bitter for you feel free to add more honey! Other medicinal additions that I sometimes add are- dried tumeric, ginger, echinacea, and or olive leaf.
Let me know what you think and if you add anything different!
Dried Elderberry Sources
*** Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a medical professional. Please use common sense and always consult a medical professional if you have any questions or concerns before using a remedy. ***