November 6th marks the Full Moon- Beaver Moon or Frost Moon.
At the Full Moon, the energy is powerful and intense. This surge enables you to take action – especially in regards to the New Moon intentions you may have set two weeks ago. Cleaning closets, getting winter clothing down and putting away summery things, friends that are no longer friends, shame, pain, anger- anything that is holding you back. This is a perfect time for releasing something that no longer serves you; or letting go of something that you no longer need in your life; or an opportunity to let go of an aspect of yourself that you have outgrown. A Full Moon ritual is a powerful way to invoke this- Releasing. Letting go. Unburdening yourself. Purging. You get rid of the old, celebrating your emergence by stepping out of an old way of being / an old identity / behaviour / attitude / relationship / frame of mind / situation. The ritual marks this inner transformation in a formal, ceremonial way. Emphasising to yourself and the Universe that you are ready to let go for the new you to emerge. Making way for new magical opportunities to come to you. The easiest way to create and perform a ritual is to follow your intuition. But I'm going to offer some ideas from my own practice. Use them, and introduce some of your own things as well!
What you will need:
A quiet spot, water, a fireproof container, something to write with, paper, candle.
* Start by finding yourself a quiet spot where you will not be disturbed. If you can practice under the moonlight to feel her full beam, great, if not, no worries, as long as you are somewhere you feel safe and sound.
* Create a sacred space- free of clutter- place a candle, a bowl of water, your favorite crystals or other special items, and anything else you want to represent this time in your life.
* Cleanse your area by smudging, or praying, meditating, or envisioning being enveloped in a bright white light that protects you.
* Close your eyes and slow your breath, taking deep, slow, cleansing breaths. Clear your mind and just listen to the sound of your breath.
* Write down what you no longer need. What (or whom) you want to free yourself of.
* Breathe deep into your root and say aloud, "I no longer need this, I now release you into the Universe".
* Light the paper and allow it to burn in your container, watching the smoke carry away what no longer serves you.
* Dip your fingers into the bowl of water and 'anoint' yourself with it, declaring "I am washed anew, and now I may began again".
* Meditate on your breath once again, allowing the sound of your body to be the only thing you hear.
* Ground yourself with a bite of food, or drink, or walk into the grass with barefeet. Allow your energy to be centered and solid.
Please add or subtract whatever parts of this ritual that don't feel 'right' to you. I sometimes like to dress up with flowy gowns or glitter, head adornments and fun makeup.And instead of anointing myself with the water I sometimes drink it. And I usually finish my Full and New moon rituals off with a glass of wine. This is the time to create your own traditions. I promise there is no right or wrong way to create a ritual if you are coming from a loving and positive place.
More things to do in the Full Moon Light
Cleanse your crystals by laying them in the moons light so they can gain her energy.
Create a crystal or oil essence to absorb the moon's strength and energy.
Make "Full Moon" Water: Grab a mason jar (a clear glass container with a lid) and fill it with water (tap, spring, distilled) allow it to sit in the moons light all night and absorb the energy of her. I drink my water throughout the next few days, absorbing the Moons positive strength and energy.
Cleanse your tarot cards by allowing them to absorb the energy of the moon light.
Remember, this is YOUR ritual, your time. there is no right or wrong way to do this. And have fun! This doesn't have to be such a solemn practice!