New Moon Rituals
The New Moon is Thursday and I feel the energy in the air getting tingly! The New Moon is a way for you to clean your energy and space(s) as well a commit to new intentions for the month. Little goal settings such as these will make you super productive(if you stick to them) and give you a little structure. And it's fun to create your own set of ritual that works for you.
**A Rant On Ritual**
Folks always misconstrue the meaning of defines ritual as:
a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.
"the ancient rituals of Christian worship
Now you can be 'solemn' in all that you do. But the fact that you create a ritual around a date or time of year or a game or test or first date does not make you a wicked-or bad, or anti-christian, or any other ridiculous label others want to put on you out of fear of the unknown. I detest labels, and they always trip me up...maybe for fear of being pigeon holed and judged...maybe because I change so much one label wouldn't last a year. I have friends and family from all different walks of life and spirituality- Pagans, Catholics, Krishna, Hindu, Neo-Pagan, Wiccan, Atheist, Agnostic, "Christian" or plain and simple human. One of the things they all have in common is RITUAL. It may surround different circumstances and they may call it something different but its a ritual. So when you talk about creating a ritual, or when you begin a ceremonial ritual that is important to you and some ignorant person wants to judge you, you can either educate them OR tell them to fuck off...your choice!
Where was I?!? Oh yeah;
Creating your own rituals based on the new moon or full moon or any other date is fun, like your own personal party and celebration for the Moon! With the new moon being the first moon of the new phase it's a good time to reset: bad habits, decisions, ethics- or to cleanse: yourself, energy, home. So plan your ritual with that in mind. A reset on all of your habits for the next month. Just a month of time where you try something a different way, and if you like it continue with it! Get creative! And for Goddess sake HAVE FUN!
of, relating to, or done as a religious or solemn rite.
"ritual burial"
Some of my rituals include:
Smudging my altar and tools
Cleansing my tarot cards
Releasing old habits ( I write them down and then burn them to release them)
Setting New Intentions (write them down, draw them, create a vision wheel, start a journal something that you can see daily to remind you of your intention for yourself.)
I usually start by cleaning my area; my studio and meditation space/altar are all together so it gets quite cluttered. I then smudge the area going to the four corners N/S/E/W and to the heavens above and the earth below giving thanks for my life and my health and good fortune. I then light candles and have a representative of earth, water, air, fire and spirit present on my table. I sit in meditation and just breathe before I start to think of what needs to be released...I then write them down on bits of paper and burn them in a fireproof container (I use an abalone shell). Then I journal about what I want to bring into my life and set my new goals(intentions) based on that. I sit once more in silence and breath then I give thanks to my Divine Spirit, and to the four corners of the earth and to the elements and then I begin to extinguish my flame. I usually do a few yoga poses or eat something to 're-ground' my energy. And that's it! With the journaling that I do on my new intention I usually create an art piece of some sort as a reminder of my new moon intentions( art journal, vision board, style board, heck-you could even create something on pinterest!).
The key is to set your intentions realistically, "I want to be a millionaire" is a great goal, but how will you accomplish that within a month? Maybe instead, "I'll start setting back extra money, or not purchase a five dollar coffee three times a week" and place that money in a container in your sacred place so the good energy of your ritual and intent will envelope the cash. Set realistic goals that you can accomplish and then stay on it.
I love ceremony and ritual, and I'd love to hear from you! What are your sacred practices surrounding the New Moon? Leave a comment so we can learn more about one is key to love and longevity!